
Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 431


Pavličev, M., McDonough-Goldstein, C. E., Zupan, A. M., Muglia, L., Hu, Y. C., Kong, F., Monangi, N., Dagdas, G., Zupančič, N., Maziarz, J., Sinner, D., Zhang, G., Wagner, G., & Muglia, L. (2024). A common allele increases endometrial Wnt4 expression, with antagonistic implications for pregnancy, reproductive cancers, and endometriosis. Nature Communications, 15(1), [1152].

Smith-Vaniz, W. F., Klein, J. S., & Ahnelt, H. (Accepted/In press). Hyperostosis in fishes: an update with new species records. Journal of Morphology.

Smith-Vaniz, W. F., Klein, J. S., & Ahnelt, H. (2024). Hyperostosis inf fishes: an update with new species records. Journal of Morphology, 285(e21782).

Wibowo, A., Haryono, H., Kurinawan, K., Prakoso, V. A., Dahruddin, H., Surbani, I. L., Muslimin, B., Jaya, Y. Y., Sudarsono, S., Stuart, I. G., Ahnelt, H., Funge-Smith, S., Vasemägi, A., & Hubert, N. (2024). Genetic and morphological evidence of a single species of bronze featherback (Notopterus notopterus) in Sundaland. Global Ecology and Conservation, 49, 1-14. [e02786].


Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 431