Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 431
Ahnelt, H., & Sudasinghe, H. (Accepted/In press). A collection of fishes from the enigmatic type locality of fish species described by Georges Cuvier and by Achille Valenciennes, the hot springs of Kanniya at Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. Cybium: revue internationale d'ichtyologie.
Ahnelt, H., Bradić-Milinović, K., & Schwarzhans, W. (2024). Dapalis pauciserratus, a new species of freshwater glassfishes (Teleostei, Ambassidae) from the Early Oligocene of the Central Paratethys: Dapalis pauciserratus, une nouvelle espèce de poissons de verre d’eau douce (Teleostei, Ambassidae) de l’Oligocène inférieur de la Paratéthys Central. Cybium: revue internationale d'ichtyologie, 48(3), 195–209.
Ahnelt, H., Nocita, A., & Dulcic, J. (2024). Northernmost historical records of the Atlantic pomfret, Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Teleostei: Bramidae, Braminae) in the Mediterranean Sea and the variability of adult morphology. Cybium: revue internationale d'ichtyologie, 48(3), 255–263.
Ahnelt, H., Macek, O., & Robitzch, V. (2024). Schindleria nana, a new extremely progenetic gobiid fish species (Teleostei: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Journal of Vertebrate Biology, 73(23112), 1-17. [23112].
Boem, F., Greslehner, G. P., Konsman, J. P., & Chiu, L. (2024). Minding the gut: extending embodied cognition and perception to the gut complex. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17, [1172783].
Grunstra, N., Hollinetz, F., Bravo Morante, G., Zachos, F., Pfaff, C., Winkler, V., Mitteroecker, P., & Le Maitre, A. (2024). Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear. Nature Communications, 15(1), [7869].,,
Mitteroecker, P., & Fischer, B. (2024). Evolution of the human birth canal. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 230(3), S841-S855.
Mitteroecker, P., Collyer, M. L., & Adams, D. C. (2024). Exploring Phylogenetic Signal in Multivariate Phenotypes by Maximizing Blomberg's K. Systematic Biology.
Mitteroecker, P., & Merola, G. P. (2024). The cliff edge model of the evolution of schizophrenia: Mathematical, epidemiological, and genetic evidence. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews , 160, 105636. [105636].
Odongo, V., Asmus, H., Ahnelt, H., Boersma, M., Rick, J., Wiltshire, K. H., & Horn, S. (2024). Seasonal variations of a coastal fish community related to environmental parameters in the Sylt-Rømø Bight, southeastern North Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 300.
Pavlicev, M., & Wagner, G. (2024). Reading the palimpsest of cell interactions: What questions may we ask of the data? Iscience, 27(5), [109670].
Pavličev, M., McDonough-Goldstein, C. E., Zupan, A. M., Muglia, L., Hu, Y. C., Kong, F., Monangi, N., Dagdas, G., Zupančič, N., Maziarz, J., Sinner, D., Zhang, G., Wagner, G., & Muglia, L. (2024). A common allele increases endometrial Wnt4 expression, with antagonistic implications for pregnancy, reproductive cancers, and endometriosis. Nature Communications, 15(1), [1152].
Robitzch, V., Landaeta, M., & Ahnelt, H. (2024). A new species of long dorsal-fin Schindleria (Teleostei: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from Rapa Nui (Chile). Cybium: revue internationale d'ichtyologie, 48(1), 35-44.
Smith-Vaniz, W. F., Klein, J. S., & Ahnelt, H. (Accepted/In press). Hyperostosis in fishes: an update with new species records. Journal of Morphology.
Smith-Vaniz, W. F., Klein, J. S., & Ahnelt, H. (2024). Hyperostosis inf fishes: an update with new species records. Journal of Morphology, 285(e21782).
van Soldt, B. J., Metscher, B. D., Richardson, M. K., & Cardoso, W. V. (2024). Sox9 is associated with two distinct patterning events during snake lung morphogenesis. Developmental Biology, 506, 7-19.
Wibowo, A., Haryono, H., Kurinawan, K., Prakoso, V. A., Dahruddin, H., Surbani, I. L., Muslimin, B., Jaya, Y. Y., Sudarsono, S., Stuart, I. G., Ahnelt, H., Funge-Smith, S., Vasemägi, A., & Hubert, N. (2024). Genetic and morphological evidence of a single species of bronze featherback (Notopterus notopterus) in Sundaland. Global Ecology and Conservation, 49, 1-14. [e02786].
Ahnelt, H., Macek, O., & Robitzch, V. (2023). A new species of Schindleria (Teleostei: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from the Red Sea (Saudi Arabia) with a specialized caudal-fin complex. Vertebrate Zoology, 73, 313–323.
Ahnelt, H., Leister, T., Kruckenhauser, L., Duda, M., Carosi, A., & Lorenzoni, M. (2023). Site-specific attachment of Anodonta anatina (Bivalvia: Unionidae) glochidia on two new fish hosts introduced in Lake Trasimeno (Italy). Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 424, [9].