Showing entries 361 - 380 out of 438
Gollmann, G. (2006). Salamander sind auch nur Menschen: Zum Sozialverhalten von Plethodon cinereus. ÖGH-Aktuell, Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Herpetelogie, 17, 12-12.
Gollner, S., Zekely, J., Dover, C. L. V., Govenar, B., Le Bris, N., Nemeschkal, H. L., & Bright, M. (2006). Benthic copepod communities associated with tubeworm and mussel aggregations on the East Pacific Rise. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 47, 397-402.
Nemeschkal, H. L., & Elzen, R. V. D. (2006). Variabilität im Skelettbau der Cardueliden - ökologisch, phylogenetisch, adaptiv oder konstruktionsmorphologisch dominiert? Ökologie der Vögel : Verhalten, Konstitution, Umwelt, 25, 231-247.
Pavlicev, M., & Mayer, W. (2006). Multiple copies of coding as well as pseudogene c-mos sequence exist in three lacertid species. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 306(6), 539-50.
Schäfer, K., Lauc, T., Mitteröcker, P., Gunz, P., & Bookstein, F. (2006). Dental arch asymmetry in an isolated Adriatic community. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 129(1), 132-142.
Schäfer, K., Fink, B., Grammer, K., Mitteröcker, P., Gunz, P., & Bookstein, F. (2006). Female appearance: Facial and bodily attractiveness as shape. Psychology Science, 48(2), 187-204.
Weber, G., Gunz, P., Mitteroecker, P., Stadlmayr, A., Bookstein, F., & Seidler, H. (2006). External geometry of Mladec neurocrania compared with anatomically modern humans and Neandertals. In Early Modern Humans at the Moravian Gate (pp. 453-471). Springer.
Zekely, J., Dover, C. L. V., Nemeschkal, H. L., & Bright, M. (2006). Hydrothermal vent meiobenthos associated with mytilid mussel aggregations from Mid-Atlantic Ridge and East Pacific Rise. Deep-Sea Research. Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers, 53, 1363-1378.
Zekely, J., Gollner, S., Dover, C. L. V., Govenar, B., Le Bris, N., Nemeschkal, H. L., & Bright, M. (2006). Nematode communities associated with tubeworm and mussel aggregations on the East Pacific Rise. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 47, 477-482.
Ahnelt, H. (2005). Designation of a neotype for Gobius liechtensteini Kolombatovic, 1891 (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien: Serie B: Botanik und Zoologie, 106, 35-39.
Ahnelt, H., & Scattolin, G. (2005). The pattern of the mechanosensory lateral line on the caudal fin of the two deep water gobiid fishes Deltentosteus colonianus and Deltentosteus quadrimaculatus (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Journal of Natural History, 39(48), 4127-4135.
Fink, B., Grammer, K., Mitteröcker, P., Gunz, P., Schäfer, K., & Bookstein, F. (2005). Second to fourth digit ratio and face shape. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 272(1576), 1995-2001.
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Mitteröcker, P., Gunz, P., & Bookstein, F. (2005). Heterochrony and geometric morphometrics: A comparison of cranial growth in Pan paniscus versus Pan troglodytes. Evolution & Development, 7(3), 244-258.
Schäfer, K., Fink, B., Mitteröcker, P., & Bookstein, F. (2005). Visualizing facial shape regression upon 2nd to 4th digit ratio and testosterone. Collegium Antropologicum, 29(2), 415-419.
Ahnelt, H., Göschl, J., Dawson, M. N., & Jacobs, D. K. (2004). Geographic variation in the lateral line canals of Eucyclogobius newberryi (Teleostei, Gobiidae) and its comparison with molecular phylogeography. Folia Zoologica.
Ahnelt, H., & Dorda, J. (2004). Gobioid fishes from the north eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean: new records and rarely found species. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien: Serie B: Botanik und Zoologie, 105 B, 5-19.
Ahnelt, H., & Bohacek, V. (2004). The lateral line system of two sympatric eastern Pacific gobiid fishes of the genus Lythrypnus (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Bulletin of Marine Science.
Ahnelt, H., & Göschl, J. (2004). The pattern on the lateral line system on the caudal fin of Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877 (Teleostei: Odontobutidae), with comments on the arrangement of the lateral line system on the caudal fin of Gobioidei. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences.
Ahnelt, H., & Duchkowitsch, M. (2004). The postcranial skeleton of Proterorhinus marmoratus with remarks on the realtionship of the genus Proterorhinus (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Journal of Natural History.
Showing entries 361 - 380 out of 438