Showing entries 381 - 400 out of 438
Ahnelt, H., & Mikschi, E. (2004). Zwei Goldsteinbeisserarten (Teleostei, Cobitidae, Sabanejewia) in Österreich? Österreichs Fischerei: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Fischerei.
Bookstein, F., Slice, D. E., Gunz, P., & Mitteröcker, P. (2004). Anthropology takes control of morphometrics. Collegium Antropologicum, 28(SUPPL. 2), 121-132.
Grammer, K., Fink, B., Oberzaucher, E., Atzmüller, M., Blantar, I., & Mitteröcker, P. (2004). The representation of self reported affect in body posture and body posture simulation. Collegium Antropologicum, 28(SUPPL. 2), 159-173.
Mitteröcker, P., Gunz, P., Bernhard, M., Schäfer, K., & Bookstein, F. (2004). Comparison of cranial ontogenetic trajectories among great apes and humans. Journal of Human Evolution, 46(6), 679-698.
Mitteröcker, P., Gunz, P., Weber, G., & Bookstein, F. (2004). Regional dissociated heterochrony in multivariate analysis. Annals of Anatomy, 186(5-6), 463-470.
Schäfer, K., Mitteröcker, P., Gunz, P., Bernhard, M., & Bookstein, F. (2004). Craniofacial sexual dimorphism patterns and allometry among extant hominids. Annals of Anatomy, 186(5-6), 471-478.
Schiemer, F., Keckeis, H., Nemeschkal, H. L., Schludermann, E., Winkler, G., & Zweimüller, I. (2004). Ontogenetic patterns in thermal adaptation of fish vs. long-term temperature trends in large rivers. International Congress Series, 1275, 209-217.
Ahnelt, H., & Göschl, J. (2003). Morphological differences between eastern Pacific gobiid fishes Quietula guaymasiae and Quietula y-cauda (Teleostei: Gobiidae) with emphasis on the topography of the lateral line system. Cybium: revue internationale d'ichtyologie.
Ahnelt, H., & Scattolin, G. (2003). The lateral line system of a blind goby, Typhlogobius californiensis, Steindachner 1879 (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien: Serie B: Botanik und Zoologie.
Ahnelt, H. (2003). The postcranial skeleton of the benthophiline gobiids Anatirostrum and Benthophilus (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Folia Zoologica.
Bookstein, F., Gunz, P., Mitteröcker, P., Prossinger, H., Schäfer, K., & Seidler, H. (2003). Cranial integration in Homo reassessed: Morphometrics of the mid-sagittal plane in ontogeny and evolution. Journal of Human Evolution, 44, 167-187.
Bookstein, F., Gunz, P., Mitteröcker, P., Prossinger, H., Schäfer, K., & Seidler, H. (2003). Cranial integration in Homo: Singular warps analysis of the midsagittal plane in ontogeny and evolution. Journal of Human Evolution, 44(2), 167-187.
Keckeis, H., Nemeschkal, H. L., & Schiemer, F. (2003). The importance of inshore areas for adult fish distribution along a free-flowing section of the Danube, Austria. Rivers Research and Applications: an international journal devoted to river research and management, 19, 1-13.
Weber, G., Gunz, P., Mitteroecker, P., Thackeray, F., & Bookstein, F. (2003). Skull Reference Models (SRM) and the ontogeny of A. africanus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 120, 221-222. Article 120.
Weissenbacher, A., Sattmann, H., Christ, M., Scattolin, G., & Ahnelt, H. (2002). Auf der Spur der blinden Höhlenfische. Aquaristik Fachmagazin.
Ahnelt, H., Duchkowitsch, M., Scattolin, G., Zweimüller, I., & Weissenbacher, A. (2001). Neogobius gymnotrachelus (Kessler, 1857) (Teleostei: Gobiidae), die Nackthals-Grundel in Österreich. Österreichs Fischerei: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Fischerei, 54, 262-266.
Ahnelt, H., & Duchkowitsch, M. (2001). The lateral line system of two Ponto-Caspian gobiid species (Gobiidae, Teleostei): a comparision. Folia Zoologica.
Ahnelt, H. (2001). Two mediterranean gobiid fishes with an unusual cephalic lateral line canal system. Cybium: revue internationale d'ichtyologie.
Weber, G., Schäfer, K., Prossinger, H., Gunz, P., Mitteröcker, P., & Seidler, H. (2001). Virtual anthropology: The digital evolution in anthropological sciences. Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science, 20(2), 69-80.
Ahnelt, H., Abdoli, A., Zirkohy, H. P., & Coad, B. W. (2000). Anatirostrum profundorum: a rare deep-water gobiid species from the Caspian Sea. Cybium: revue internationale d'ichtyologie.
Showing entries 381 - 400 out of 438