Showing entries 141 - 160 out of 438
Atminarso, D., Wibowo, A. (Ed.), Kusuma, W. E., Prianto, E., Ahnelt, H., Vasemägi, A., & Kumazawa, Y. (2018). The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of Pectenocypris sp. (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) from Serkap River, Sumatra, Indonesia. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3(1), 122-124.
Dunn-Fletcher, C. E., Muglia, L. M., Pavlicev, M., Wolf, G., Sun, M.-A., Hu, Y.-C., Huffman, E., Tumukuntala, S., Thiele, K., Mukherjee, A., Zoubovsky, S., Zhang, X., Swaggart, K. A., Lamm, K. Y. B., Jones, H., Macfarlan, T. S., & Muglia, L. J. (2018). Anthropoid primate-specific retroviral element THE1B controls expression of CRH in placenta and alters gestation length. PLoS Biology, 16(9), Article e2006337.
Grunstra, N. D. S., Mitteroecker, P., & Foley, R. A. (2018). A multivariate ecogeographic analysis of macaque craniodental variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 166(2), 386-400.
Herrera, M., Notario, B., Barrio, M. C., Metscher, B. D., & Murillo Gonzalez, J. (2018). X-ray micro-computed tomography of postmortem brain tissue using potassium dichromate as a contrast agent. Archives italiennes de biologie, 156(1-2), 48-53.
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Lillico-Ouachour, A., Metscher, B., Kaji, T., & Abouheif, E. (2018). Internal head morphology of minor workers and soldiers in the hyperdiverse ant genus Pheidole. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 96(5), 383-392.
Pavlicev, M., & Norwitz, E. R. (2018). Human Parturition: Nothing More Than a Delayed Menstruation. Reproductive Sciences (RS), 25(2), 166-173.
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Stansfield, E., Evteev, A., & O'Higgins, P. (2018). Can diet be inferred from the biomechanical response to simulated biting in modern and pre-historic human mandibles? Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 22, 433-443.
van der Geer, A. A. E., Lyras, G. A., Mitteroecker, P., & MacPhee, R. D. E. (2018). From Jumbo to Dumbo: Cranial Shape Changes in Elephants and Hippos During Phyletic Dwarfing. Evolutionary Biology, 45(3), 303-317.
Astl, E., Onodera, K., Čelar, A., Mitteröcker, P., & Bantleon, H.-P. (2017). Vergleich von konventionellen und selbstligierenden Brackets in der Nivellierungsphase mittels Split-Mouth-Design. Informationen aus Orthodontie & Kieferorthopädie, 49(1), 49-55.
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Davies, T. G., Rahman, I. A., Lautenschlager, S., Cunningham, J. A., Asher, R. J., Barrett, P. M., Bates, K. T., Bengtson, S., Benson, R. B. J., Boyer, D. M., Braga, J., Bright, J. A., Claessens, L. P. A. M., Cox, P. G., Dong, X.-P., Evans, A. R., Falkingham, P. L., Friedman, M., Garwood, R. J., ... Donoghue, P. C. J. (2017). Open data and digital morphology. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 284(1852), Article 20170194.
Fischer, B., & Mitteroecker, P. (2017). Allometry and Sexual Dimorphism in the Human Pelvis. Anatomical Record, 300(4), 698-705.
Freudenthaler, J., Čelar, A., Ritt, C., & Mitteröcker, P. (2017). Geometric morphometrics of different malocclusions in lateral skull radiographs. Journal of orofacial orthopedics, 78, 11-20.
Handschuh, S., Beisser, C. J., Ruthensteiner, B., & Metscher, B. D. (2017). Microscopic dual-energy CT (microDECT) a flexible tool for multichannel ex vivo 3D imaging of biological specimens. Journal of Microscopy, 267(1), 3-26.
Showing entries 141 - 160 out of 438