About me
I am interested in phenotypic diversity and population dynamics of fishes, generally in relation to habitat selection, foraging and adaptation.
Publication list
Showing entries 61 - 80 out of 125
Habteselassie, R., Mikschi, E., Ahnelt, H., & Waidbacher, H. (2010). Garra chebera, a new species of cyprinid fish from an isolated basin in Ethiopia (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien: Serie B: Botanik und Zoologie, 111B.
Liu, H. T. H., Ahnelt, H., Balma, G. B. C., & Delmastro, G. B. (2009). First record of Gobius roulei (Gobiidae) in the Ligurian Sea. Cybium: revue internationale d'ichtyologie.
Liu, H. T. H., Ahnelt, H., Balma, G. B. C., & Delmastro, G. B. (2009). First record of the rare gobiid fish Gobius couchi in the Ligurian Sea (north-western Mediterranean). Marine Biodiversity Records, 1-2.
Ahnelt, H. (2008). First record of the rare deep-water gobiid Thorogobius rofeni (Teleostei, Gobiidae) from the Southeast Atlantic. Cybium: revue internationale d'ichtyologie.
Ahnelt, H., & Mikschi, E. (2008). The type of Gobius semilunaris HECKEL, 1837 (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien: Serie B: Botanik und Zoologie, 109 B, 67-72.
Ahnelt, H. (2008). Welche Stichlingsart kommt in Österreich vor, Gasterosteus aculeatus oder Gasterosteus gymnurus? Österreichs Fischerei: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Fischerei, 158-161.
Kneer, D., Asmus, H., Ahnelt, H., & Vonk, J. A. (2008). Records of Austrolethops wardi (Teleostei: Gobiidae) as an inhabitant of burrows of the thalassinid shrimp Neaxius acanthus in tropical seagrass beds of the Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Fish Biology, 72(4), 1095-1099. http://www.scopus.com/scopus/record/display.url?view=basic&eid=2-s2.0-39749112107&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&sid=enm5NelcWQVj3N7CvzKI5oB%3a1550&sot=q&sdt=b&sl=50&s=TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH%28Records+of+Austrolethops+wardi%29&relpos=0&relpos=0
Liu, H. T. H., Kneer, D., Asmus, H., & Ahnelt, H. (2008). The feeding habits of Austrolethops wardi, a gobiid fish inhabiting burrows of the thalassinid shrimp Neaxius acanthus. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 79(4), 764-767. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2008.06.020
Löffler, J., Ott, A., Ahnelt, H., & Keckeis, H. (2008). Early development of the skull of Sander lucioperca (Teleostei: Percidae) relating to growth and mortality. Journal of Fish Biology, 72(1), 233–258. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1095-8649.2007.01699.x
Ahnelt, H., Coad, B. W., Abdoli, A., & Zirkohy, H. P. (2007). Gobiid fishes of the genera Chasar, Mesogobius and Neogobius (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Iran (South Caspian Basin). Zoology in the Middle East, 41, 55-62. http://www.scopus.com/scopus/record/display.url?view=basic&eid=2-s2.0-34748899538&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&sid=enm5NelcWQVj3N7CvzKI5oB%3a1380&sot=q&sdt=b&sl=80&s=TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH%28Gobiid+fishes+of+the+genera+Chasar%2c+Mesogobius+and+Neogobius%29&relpos=0&relpos=0
Dulcic, J., & Ahnelt, H. (2007). How many specimens of the crested oarfish, Lophotus lacepede Giorna, 1809 (Pisces: Lophotidae) were caught in the Adriatic Sea? Acta Academica, 48(1), 39-43. http://www.scopus.com/scopus/record/display.url?view=basic&eid=2-s2.0-34848829121&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&sid=enm5NelcWQVj3N7CvzKI5oB%3a1740&sot=q&sdt=b&sl=87&s=TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH%28How+many+specimens+of+the+crested+oarfish%2c+Lophotus+lacepede+Giorna%29&relpos=0&relpos=0
Kindermann, G., Miljcovic, N., Ahnelt, H., & Stevenson, D. (2007). The osteology of Eucyclogobius newberryi and Quietula guaymasiae (Teleostei: Gobiidae), two closely related Gobionellines from the east Pacific. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien: Serie B: Botanik und Zoologie, 13-56. http://www.landesmuseum.at/pdf_frei_remote/ANNA_108B_0013-0056.pdf
Scattolin, G., Ahnelt, H., & Sauberer, M. (2007). The free neuromast pattern on the caudal fin of pelagic Gobiidae. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien: Serie B: Botanik und Zoologie, (108), 7-12. http://www.landesmuseum.at/pdf_frei_remote/ANNA_108B_0007-0012.pdf
Ahnelt, H., & Dulcic, J. (2006). About a record of Salaria basilisca (Pisces, Blenniidae) in the Adriatic Sea, in 1874. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.
Ahnelt, H., Muerth, P., & Lunardon, A. (2006). Erster Nachweis einer vierten Lateralplattenform des Dreistachligen Stichlings Gasterosteus aculeatus (Teleostei, Gasterosteidae) in Österreich. Österreichs Fischerei: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Fischerei, 156-159.
Ahnelt, H., Miljkovic, N., & Hilgers, H. (2006). Phenotypic diversity in the threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus 1758 (Teleostei: Gasterosteidae) in western Austria - the four-spined form. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien: Serie B: Botanik und Zoologie, 107B. http://www.landesmuseum.at/pdf_frei_remote/ANNA_107B_0025-0038.pdf
Ahnelt, H., Bauer, E., Löffler, J., & Mwebaza-Ndawula, L. (2006). Rastrineobola argentea (Teleostei, Cyprinidae), a small African rasborine with four rows of pharyngeal teeth. Folia Zoologica, 55(3), 309-314.
Dulcic, J., & Ahnelt, H. (2006). On the validity of the record of the Bermuda sea chub Kyphosus sectator (Teleostei, Kyphosidae) from the Adriatic Sea. Periodicum Biologorum, 231-233.
Ahnelt, H. (2005). Designation of a neotype for Gobius liechtensteini Kolombatovic, 1891 (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien: Serie B: Botanik und Zoologie, 106, 35-39.
Ahnelt, H., & Scattolin, G. (2005). The pattern of the mechanosensory lateral line on the caudal fin of the two deep water gobiid fishes Deltentosteus colonianus and Deltentosteus quadrimaculatus (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Journal of Natural History, 39(48), 4127-4135.
Showing entries 61 - 80 out of 125