Lynn Chiu


Postdoc Researcher

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 About me

Dr. Lynn Chiu, PhD, MA, MS, BS is a philosopher of biology and science communication. Under the INTERREG AT-CZ project "G. J. Mendel’s Legacy to Science, Culture, and Humanity," she is co-leading public-facing events that explore the historical, philosophical, and scientific legacy of Gregor Mendel (on the occasion of his 200th birthday) in collaboration with the NHM Wien and the KLI. You can learn more about her past and current projects here

 Recent publications

Chiu L, & Gilbert SF (2020). Niche construction and the transition to herbivory: Phenotype switching and the organization of new nutritional modes. In H. Levine, M. K. Jolly, P. Kulkarni, & V. Nanjundiah (Eds.), Phenotypic Switching (pp. 459–482). Academic Press.

Chiu L (2019). Decoupling, commingling, and the evolutionary significance of experiential niche construction. In T. Uller & K. N. Laland (Eds.), Evolutionary Causation: Biological and Philosophical Reflections (p. 299). MIT Press.

Laurent P, Jolivel V, Manicki P, Chiu L, Contin-Bordes C, Truchetet M-E & Pradeu T (2017). Immune-mediated repair: A matter of plasticity. Frontiers in Immunology, 8, 454.

Chiu L, Bazin T, Truchetet M-E, Schaeverbeke T, Delhaes L & Pradeu T (2017). Protective microbiota: From localized to long-reaching co-immunity. Frontiers in Immunology, 8, 1678.

Chiu L, & Eberl G (2016). Microorganisms as scaffolds of host individuality: An eco-immunity account of the holobiont. Biology & Philosophy, 31(6), 819–837.

Chiu L & Gilbert SF (2015). The birth of the holobiont: Multi-species birthing through mutual scaffolding and niche construction. Biosemiotics, 8(2), 191–210.